The goal of the energy green deal transition is to build a sustainable world, in which the society benefits from the resources that the Earth provides without overexploiting them; in which human activities do not cause global warming; in which access to energy is democratized and no longer used as a geopolitical weapon.
Much of the energy transition will focus on energy efficiency and electrification. Electrification is the most effective way to harness and consume renewable electricity and should remain the priority where technically feasible and economically realistic (H2-molecules and H2-derivatives).
Sichem wants to strengthen his position of the Belgium based research institutions active in the technologies of H2-technology. Sichem R&D is working on the innovation in coatings to be used in the H2 technologies. Sichem Innovative coatings is active in the complete value chain of the Hydrogen : Production, transport and storage.
Sichem is an active member of the organization “ClusterTweed” which is gathering more than two hundred Wallonia & Brussels actors of the Renewable Energy sector, the first mission of the Cluster TWEED is to pave the way for the setting up of high quality and industrial-size projects in the fields of production and exploitation of sustainable energy.
The H2-molecule can be produced with various technologies based on different energy sources.
Because of its chemical and physical properties, hydrogen is an important feedstock in different chemical processes such as the production of methanol, aromatics, ammonia or alkenes. By burning hydrogen, very high temperatures can be reached, which justifies its use for instance for the production of steel, cement, aluminium, ceramics or glass. Renewable molecules will also play a role in recycling plastics. Hydrogen and its derivatives are already being used in some of these applications. Demand for renewable molecules in this sector is expected to rise further in the coming years as a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels. During the production of Hydrogen, chemical substances are used to split the molecule H2O. Sichem Innovative Coatings has a variety of solutions against chemical corrosion within the Hydrogen production. For more detailed informed see section 4 products.

A hydrogen transport network is needed to connect supply and demand with each other.
Hydrogen is the smallest molecule and poses the challenge of safe preservation for technology from generation to consumer use. Walls and seams of containers or pipes must be of such quality that the molecules cannot pass through.
If the material is inadequate, the molecules can penetrate the material, causing it to become brittle. In the first place, this means a safety risk, but also an economic loss.
Sichem Innovative coatings can use their coatings to treat surfaces in such a way that such diffusion or even leakage of hydrogen is prevented.
Hydrogen enables imports of cheaper renewable energy from countries with large renewable resources, lowering costs and- boosting system efficiency
Hydrogen and its derivatives have physical properties that make them suitable for storing large quantities of energy for a medium to a long period. This type of service is a support for the electricity grid to counterbalance the variability of supply and demand of renewable energy. The grid has to be able to cope with periods with less wind and solar energy. Hydrogen can be used as a supplement to batteries to store excess capacity and to make it available in times of shortage. The market will determine the optimum between the different storage technologies.
Sichem Innovative coatings has solution to optimize the facilities of storage in order to avoid diffusion or even leakage of hydrogen.